Such principles were left behind long back, right since I left IIT to join Medicine. Eventually Physics was replaced by Physiology. But today, once again, ‘motion’, was propelling ‘emotion’; harmony of mind and body was deranged by a rush of the hormone -
Adrenaline! It must have reached to the highest level. I was in a state of total fright in that flight- at a height of 10000 ft. in the sky. It was not first time that I was flying in an aircraft, but I was so scared because the door of that plane was open and I was sitting on that doorstep, holding the top bar with my legs dangling in the air! The man behind me was urging me to jump and even asking me to give a ‘big smile’ in front of that wing mounted camera- sounding quite sadistic!! I heard the begging of that 6 ¾ ft. tall Estonian, shaking in the stooping posture, to let him fly down along with the pilot, without makin
g him to ‘jump off’. But his instructor replied that this plane is not having facilities of landing down with ‘live’ passengers! Yes, all of us were crouching on the floor-no seats and, of course, no seat belts in that small turboprop air craft! I have not seen Frank Capello’s movie ‘No way back’, but today I realized the meaning of that title. Summoning all my courage I jumped off …along with Eugen on my back and Konz by my side.

We had flown in Auckland,via Singapore, almost two weeks back. Sandeep and Nitu,my brother and his wife, encircled the globe other way round from Boston in USA and joined us there on the airport only.We had rented a van-‘Toyota Lucida' and set off to 3000 miles marathon in New Zealand,as if on an adventure spree.We had been to many interesting but challenging activities in New Zealand till then, like sailing lessons in rough sea at Paihia, blind cave tubing in Wiatomoto, volcano crater walk in Rotorua, trout fishing in Lake Taupo, and just two days back, a walk on Frank Joseph glacier, having been flow
n on the top by helicopter and ventured with those crampons and ice axe….everything for first time in life. From Fox Glacier we took detour to Wanaka by lengthy but exceptionally scenic road through mountains. On the way, near Arrowtown, we spotted many sites of shooting of popular movie-‘Lords of Rings’. From Lake Wanaka, our next destination was -the Mecca of the adventure sports [and the origin of Bungee jumping] - Queenstown, for a ‘Shotover River’ ride in speed boat, and then a cruising in near by Milford Sound. Next was Dunedin where we were driven in twelve-wheel cart in remote hinterland to spot Albatross Colonies and rare Blue Penguin ‘nests’. Lastly, before returning home from Christchurch, we had one of the most scenic and historical rail journeys to the highest summit of Arthur Pass. Of course we had to cancel 'hot-air ballooning' at the last minute, as the weather was not favorable.

After the registration formalities, there was almost an hour of briefing including small movie, explanatory talk, medical checkup and detailed consent. This was the tandem sky diving and Eugen was my instructor, quite a jolly fellow. He again explained t
he whole procedure with the sequence of events and postures necessary at different stages, like jumping off the plane, free falling, opening the parachute and landing, the last was most vital. After wearing that multi-coloured ‘space-suit’, he asked me ‘don’t you feel like an astronaut?’I rather questioned back-‘I’ve heard of pet animals going in the space, but has any clown ever made that journey?’ We developed very friendly fine-tuning. Bound to be-because our bodies [and lives] were to be suspended from the same ropes! Beautiful Konz was to be my video-cum- camerawoman. I could see at her-
‘eye to eye’ right from the very moment we were introduced. Yes, she was almost as tall as me-6’2’’! She was black belt too! While leaving for the air field she started recording-‘before taking off for this mission, do you want to tell something to your family, just in case…’ I was very optimistic in my reply-‘I’ll send the message to them, but after returning to the ground!’ She had one of the most modern photographic gadgets- hand held digital video camera and head mounted still camera with a remote button in the mouth, between the teeth! With these she was to take forty pictures and fifteen minute video recording, showing footage of the whole sequence of the ‘Sky dive.’ This was to be dubbed on a DVD with a funky sound track! Measuring how ‘Big’ was your smile, when you jump off the plane?

Gradually we started achieving the height. Our pulse rate was rising in line with the altimeter reading.
Lake Wanaka and surrounding hilly area is supposed to be one of the most picturesque spots, and most popular for the sky-sports. The view out of the window was heavenly, and why it should not be? Now, we were near the heaven than rest of the world, by almost 10000 ft! Any atheist, in his first such endeavor will start praying, and leave his fate to God , and of course to that man ‘harnessed’ to his back, the one who is supposed to open right buttons and pull the right strings at the right time.

Those 45 seconds during which we dropped by some 7000 feet are the unforgettable moments in my life. A belly to earth "arch" position with face down and hands spanned like wings, you are not less than a bird.

I persuaded my wife, Namita, to repeat the same feat. She was initially not willing, quite afraid about the risk of injury and casualty! But I tried to coax her by this Gujarati saying-“Jivato Hathi Lakh No, Marelo Sava lakh No”. [Meaning, the dead elephant, for the precious ivory tusks, is far more worth than the live one].Unfortunately I was mistaken in the comparison of these ‘figures’ and she got furious. I had to clarify that the figure I was
referring was purely ‘arithmetical’ and not ‘geometric’ at all! She got convinced to attempt that ‘Big Smile’, but only after confirming the figure in our insurance policy! She also landed safely!!